Smile! It's Time to Get in Touch

Capture Your Family’s Beautiful Moments

I absolutely adore receiving your messages and getting to know your unique stories, your family dynamics, and the adventures you're planning. And guess what? I'm here to make it all super easy, wonderfully simple, and a whole lot of fun!

So, whether you're celebrating a special milestone, enjoying a family holiday, or just feeling the love, you're just a quick form away from a fantastic family photography experience. Simply hit that submit button, and I'll take care of the rest.

Invest in creating unforgettable family memories with my Short & Sweet Collection starting at $297 & Kindred Collections starting at $797.

I can't wait to connect and help you create some incredible family memories

I pride myself on prompt communication! If you don’t receive a reply from me within an hour, please check your junkmail, or email me directly at or call me on 0422 932 481 to confirm that I received your submission.
Sunshine Coast family photographer

* Please note: All the great pics photographed by 'images by Lou O'Brien' at your event are copyright protected. These images may be used in displays, exhibitions, presentations, editorials, advertising, and any other media formats without seeking future permission. No worries, though – you can totally use your images for personal stuff like decorating your home, sharing them on Facebook, or featuring them in your blogs. But if you're thinking about selling them or using them for profit, be sure to get the Photographer's written thumbs-up first. It's all about keeping things friendly and fair, in line with federal copyright law.  If you do not want your images used in this manner, please advise images by Lou O’Brien in writing.